I thought I'd lost my copies of
the second and third Nifft novels - Mines of Behemoth and The
A'rak (which I still haven't read) - by Michael Shea and it sent me
into a bit of a frenzy. Eventually, I found them and calmed down. It got me to
thinking about them and where they fit into my mental fantasy library.
They do not belong to the
subgenre of sf/f called Dying Earth, neither taking place on Earth nor on a
dying world. Nonetheless, Shea, one of the more Vance-influence writers there
ever was (more on that later), created in the Nifft stories a world that feels
as weary and worn out as any of that genre's settings. The same thing applies
to other books I'll mention here as well.
genre roots, I believe, rest in both HG Wells' vision of the last days of the
world in The Time Machine and William Hope Hodgson's massive
recounting of the quest for the Lesser Redoubt in The Night Land.
Wells provides a taste of the
setting, but his book is really about the future dispute between management and
labor. Nonetheless, it is an excellent little book and sits first among these
works I've linked.
Hodgson's book, which I've
actually started to read, is the real fount of so much of the genre. The Earth
lives in darkness, ravaged by monsters, and the surviving humans sheltered in a
giant metal pyramid. The prose is dense and convoluted, intended to give a
sense of great distance from the present. It's sort of rough, though as I
digest more and more, it seems more and more natural.
The next book found on the same
shelf, and the most influential, is Clark Ashton Smith's story
collection, Zothique. While there are many tales by plenty of
authors set in the last days of dear old Terra, Smith's collection of
grotesqueries under a fading sun is the real template for the sort I'm
considering here. As I wrote, Wells had other things on his mind and Hodgson's
work is too personal from which to craft a subgenre.
Smith's stories, and most
of the rest alongside them, are rooted in fin de siècle decadence.
Markedly unerotic sexuality, sadism, moral corruption, they're all there. Even
though written eighty years ago, Smith's are often still wonderfully unsettling
- by today's loose standards. So much of today's supposedly shocking literature
feel like it's only for show; as if the author is intent on proving he or she
is so much more
Zothique, for those
unfortunately unfamiliar to it, is the last continent on Earth in the far off
future. The past - its history and its technology - has been forgotten and
magic and demons have appeared. Not only the planet, but humanity and it
cultures, its very soul, are tattered and exhausted.
The next writer to run with a
version of this setting was Jack Vance. He began with his first book, The
Dying Earth. Only a little less cynical than Smith's stories, Vance's are
funnier - even if it's usually in a very nasty, black-hearted way.
With Eyes of the
Overworld, Vance returned to this milieu and introduced the absolutely
self-interested thief, Cugel the Clever. More often than not, his self-assumed
appellation doesn't apply, but fortunately, his enemies, who, due to his
actions, are legion, are usually a little less clever. It's novel of exquisite
weirdness and baroque prose. Of all these writers, I find his style the most
purely beautiful. There's an amazing precision to his sentences. Each word is
like a gemstone placed in the perfect place by the hands of a jewel-maker of
consummate abilities.
Later, Vance wrote another two
books in the setting, Cugel's Saga and Rhialto the
Marvellous. Both have their good bits, but neither is as sharp or enjoyable
as their predecessors.
The other major works I put
next to Smith's volume are Gene Wolfe's Books of the New Sun.
Smith's and Vance's works are pure entertainment. They are the tale of
Severian, a torturer in a world that seems to Earth in the very distant future.
I've only read the first three books, but I'll be getting to all five this year
(in between the first and second Black Company series).
Wolfe is roundly considered one
of the finest sf/f writers, garnering glowing write ups even in mainstream magazines like
the New Yorker. I've only read a handful of his books and stories
and am utterly unqualified to way in on that. I can say, the three New
Sun books I read are absolutely mindblowing works of seemingly bottomless
Next we come to the alluded to
Michael Shea books: Nifft the Lean, The Mines of Behemoth, and The
A'rak. I reviewed the first several years ago. It is a dark and
wonderful book. If you haven't read it, do yourself a favor and find a copy.
Read my review to get a fuller sense of the book and Shea's style.

Neal Barrett Jr. entered the field with a two book series called Investments. I reviewed the first, The Prophecy Machine at Black Gate. Set, perhaps, in Earth's far-future, its protagonist, Finn, is a master craftsman who has made a sentient lizard and is married to a beautiful, uplifted mouse named Letitia Louise. Not quite as cynical or pessimistic as Smith or Vance, Barrett, here, was a very funny writer.
The second, The Treachery
of Kings, remains unread on my real-world shelf. Perhaps, soon, but
probably not too soon.

The other two are Raphael
Ordoñez’s two novels, Dragonfly and The King of Nightspore's Crown. Rooted in pre-genrefied
fantasy, they are good and weird. Like all the works above, they are rich,
maybe too rich for many modern readers, and complex. I love them and have gone
to as great lengths as I am able to recommend them to others.
All these books stand out from
the great crowd of genre fantasy. They may share some very basic tropes - a
decayed land and society - but none of them rely on the usual assortment of
Fantasyland® elements and worked and worked and worked over plots.