I'll be reviewing the book this Tuesday over at Black Gate, so I pulled together various pictures I tweeted last winter and collected them here for your enjoyment.
Paul and the Hunter Killer - interior art from Analog
Dr. Wellington Yueh - interior art from Analog
Character concepts by Moebius for Jodorowsky's aborted Dune film

An assortment of covers from Dune's early editions

Vincent Di Fate's seventies covers, complete with shiny text
Death of the Sardaukar

Baron Vladimir Harkonnen

Flight Through the Shield Wall
Paul and the Hunter Killer - interior art from Analog
Dr. Wellington Yueh - interior art from Analog
Character concepts by Moebius for Jodorowsky's aborted Dune film
Sam Weber Gallery from Folio Society Edition
Paul and the Gom Jabbar
Thufir Hawat
Baron Vladimir Harkonnen
Yueh and the Duke
Ornithopter before the Storm
Guild Liners over the Basin
Player shields from Avalon Hill's Dune game